It is possible to write programs for the Cartrek 600 on an Ubuntu platform using CeGCC.
First, get the software. The .rpm did not work so I used the .tgz from
(I don't know exactly which ones I really needed)
$ sudo bash
# cd /
# tar xvfz ~/mandriva-cegcc-cegcc-0.55.tar.gz
# tar xvfz ~/mandriva-cegcc-mingw32ce-0.55.tar.gz
# tar xvfz ~/mandriva-gdb-mingw32ce-arm-0.55.tar.gz
# exit
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cegcc/bin:/opt/mingw32ce/bin
$ arm-cegcc-g++ -static -static-libgcc hello.c -o hello.exe
and put the hello.exe on the SD card under the name /MobileNavigator/MobileNavigator.exe (where the CarTrek 600 thinks the application is).
The first program is the trivial example :
#include <windows.h>
int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
MessageBox(0, L"Hello!", L"CeGCC says...", MB_OK);
Now, the problem is to find documentation about Windows CE and its API. (Maybe read the gosmore sources, it is not that long).
A little bit further...
int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
wchar_t argv0[80];
GetModuleFileName (NULL, argv0, sizeof (argv0) / sizeof (argv0[0]));
MessageBox(0, argv0, L"CeGCC says...", MB_OK);
gives the full name of the program :
' \SDMMC\MobileNavigator\MobileNavigator.exe'
# apt-get install libxml2-dev
$ svn co
$ cd gosmore
$ make
$ make gosm_arm.exe
(I had to correct 'ARCH=arm-mingw32ce' in the Makefile (it was 'ARCH=arm-wince-mingw32ce')
And I have a gosm_arm.exe compiled on my computer (Hardy Heron - Ubuntu 8.04) working on the CarTrek 600. (see another entry in this blog on how to install the software)
The self-compiled version doesn't seem to show the map (abut the binary does).