dimanche 12 juillet 2009
OpenStreetMap - Gosmore
It is possible to run gosmore to use an OpenStreetMap on a CarTrek 600 (< 100.00€ - Benelux - june 2009)
Get a new SD card (1 or 2 MB, no High-Capacity).
Get the files for Windows CE from http://nroets.openhost.dk/.
Make a /MobileNavigator directory on the card using a standard cardreader, unzip gosm_arm.zip (and a map.zip in that directory. Rename the file gosm_arm.exe into MobileNavigator.exe (this is because the CarTrek will execute /MobileNavigator/MobileNavigator.exe on the SD card).
The gosmore (15sep2008) is a little bit spartian, but it works.
Use the 'o' button to run through the options and '+'/'-' to modify the options. After setting 'QuickOption' to '1', you get a menu when you click 'o'. Another interesting option is 'ShowCoordinates'. But you won't get your location by GPS until you set 'CommPort' to '7' and 'BaudRate' to '57600'. After this, you have to 'Exit', come back to gosmore ans select the option 'FollowGPSr' and maybe 'OrientNorthwards' if you are not moving. (Ofcourse, you also set 'ButtonSize' to '1').
You can also 'Search' a town using a virtual keyboard (the searh field is not autofocused). If you select a 'StartRoute' and an 'EndRoute', gosmore computes an itineraire.
When displaying the map, '+' and '-' zooms/dezooms and you can drag the map.
*CarTrek600(UK).pdf (original software - CosmicNavigation)